Musings from a daughter

the Blog

I never had the intention of making this movie. It happened by accident. You see, my mom’s boyfriend seemed oblivious to the fact that my mother had Alzheimer’s. This was after the diagnosis, after the anecdotal evidence, after the test that showed she had an elevated risk for Late-Onset Alzheimer’s. So on the one […]

March 8, 2023

The story behind the Saving Livia movie

Alzheimer's, Saving Livia

With Alzheimer’s, the changes are small and gradual. It’s easy to explain-away our loved one’s forgetfulness. Not me. I notice EVERYTHING. I’ll tell you about one day in early November, 2019, just a few days after I had moved in. I had left my mother with simple instructions with regard to her saliva test: And […]

March 8, 2023

When I knew things were bad


In July 2019, my mother and I were told by an aging specialist who was also a medical doctor that she had Alzheimer’s. 4 months later, I was her full-time caregiver and was ready to move mountains to reverse this rapidly advancing disease. I used the website to track down a couple of chiropractors […]

March 8, 2023

How to select a winning PreCODE or ReCODE practitioner


When my mother was in her mid-50’s, which would put us back in the late 90’s – she would say things like “Oh, my brain” while tossing her head to the side when trying to remember this or that. It seemed she was frequently in a state of disdain about the functioning of her brain […]

March 8, 2023

3 ways you’ll know it’s time to get on the PreCODE or ReCODE train