Can you envision how you'll feel after making this ONE decision to reclaim your BRAIN HEALTH?

Feel good about yourself and your solution to treating Alzheimer's.
Experience less overwhelm,  emotional stress, and mental clutter.
No longer question if you have the skills to accomplish what seems unattainable.

How you'll benefit from the Saving Livia experience

Rescue your sanity while getting laser clear on your road map for making steady gains.
Avoid lengthy delays in treatment caused by emotional paralysis.
Navigate a potentially overwhelming list of to-do’s in a way that will leave you feeling confident, empowered, and clear on your path forward.

Reinvent yourself as a caregiver

What else you'll receive

Bite-sized just-in-time packets of guidance in a way that makes sense to you.
No talking over your head or bombarding you with technical jargon.
Down-to-business real-life how-to without the headache.
A sense of security in your decision. And the tools to keep you moving forward.
Inspiring program guidance that will challenge and motivate you.

"I felt overwhelmed, and under intense pressure to get it right. My mother’s life depended upon it. I felt like I knew what I needed to do but was paralyzed with fear. What did I do? I hired a health coach."


Who I typically work with. Which one are you?

1) Individuals with a family history of Alzheimer's with a desire to prevent cognitive decline.

2) Adult children of a parent with Alzheimer's who are committed to helping reverse the disease.

How Health Coaching with Saving Livia is

  • Navigating the Bredesen Protocol is complex. I'll help you bring together the pieces of the puzzle. 
  • Help you determine the necessary changes you are willing to make in your life.
  • Empower you to stand up for your ideal vision of the future. Don't ever let anyone tell you that change isn't possible.
  • Help you uncover what lights you up, and guide you toward decisions and lifestyle habits that make you feel good.
  • Provide empathy and share my own experiences as an Alzheimer's caregiver, if it helps.
  • Hold you accountable to what you say you are going to do.
  • Show up to give you just what you need in the moment.
  • Celebrate your accomplishments...the big ones and the littles, too!

"The goal is to change your biochemistry to provide optimal conditions for your brain to thrive. This is accomplished by identifying and addressing all the contributors (or potential contributors) to cognitive decline while at the same time optimizing your overall health to keep your brain healthy."

This is one commitment that is worth making.

  • You'll feel a deeper sense of commitment to the protocol
  • You'll gain better results through greater compliance
  • You'll experience more ease in tackling obstacles and barriers
  • You'll move more quickly through the protocol
  • You'll spend more quality time doing the things you love
  • You'll have your own personal protocol concierge to ask anything
  • You'll have the right educational materials delivered when you need them

Tackle the Bredesen Protocol more quickly and effectively than if you were to go it alone

You see the changes in personality or memory and you believe you can do something about it. You’ve read the science and seen evidence of Alzheimer’s reversal. So, let me ask you, what’s stopping you from taking action?

3 x 1 hour sessions to be used within 1 month.

3-hour brain optimization starter bundle

12 x 60 minute weekly sessions over 3 months.


12 x 45 minute weekly sessions over 3 months.


ReCODE & PreCODE Health Coaching Packages

$1200 / 12 x 45 minute weekly sessions


  • A sharper brain
  • More of the good stuff: energy, focus, motivation, joy, fun
  • A keen sense of awareness, presence, and enjoyment of life
  • A sense of relief that there is a healthy alternative to getting Alzheimer's
  • A reinvigorated enthusiasm around what is truly important in your life

What you can expect to happen:

PreCODE is for asymptomatic individuals with a family history of Alzheimer’s OR for those who wish to optimize their brain at any age.

Have you considered what might happen if you don't take action?


$1650 / 12 x 60 minute weekly sessions


  • A lifestyle prescription based on your physician's diagnosis of your Alzheimer's sub-type and unique disease contributors.
  • A customized behavioral health program tailored to you and your unique interests, values, desires, and priorities.
  • Core components of the Bredesen Seven implemented at your own pace: Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Stress, Stimulation, Supplements, Detox.

What you can expect to implement:

ReCODE is for symptomatic individuals ready to engage in an intensive program to restore and enhance cognitive function while promoting overall health.

Have you noticed changes in your loved one's thought patterns?


$500 / 3 x 60 minute sessions


  • A personalized how-to guide of how to "Do The Protocol" including a start to finish explanation of the Bredesen Seven.
  • A walk-through of what your unique trajectory might look like, which program might be best for you, and how to get started.
  • Unlimited answers to your questions around the Bredesen Protocol: what it is and what it isn't, how it works, and what sets it apart from other brain optimization programs.

What you can expect to receive:

Whether you've received an official diagnosis or not, it can be overwhelming and paralyzing in the beginning. 

Sometimes you just need a hand getting started. 

3-hour starter bundle