By changing your biochemistry, you provide your brain with the optimal conditions to thrive.

Dr. Dale Bredesen - expert in the mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases -  has identified over 36 factors - or holes in the roof, as he calls them - that can trigger the brain to downsize.

All of these holes in the roof can be addressed by using the Bredesen Protocol.  

*Credit to for the Bredesen Seven image and approach. See for more info

How does it work?

Learn More about the Bredesen Seven Here

Remember: You stumble? I lift you up. 

Managing all of this alone can quickly stop you in your tracks. Don’t worry – I’ll keep my head on straight so that you don’t have to.

Are you ready to stop the madness of trying to figure out the protocol on your own?

Implementing the protocol doesn't have to be this hard


The Bredesen Seven relies upon a flexible ketogenic, whole-foods diet where vegan or vegetarian is optional. The bulk of the diet is made of a selection of vegetables of every color and lots of them! There is sufficient protein rounded out by lots of healthy fats. Intermittent fasting is also incorporated for a minimum of 12 hours, with at least 3 of those hours being before bedtime.


Exercise is so good for you and comes in next after nutrition!
One thing you probably didn't know about exercise is that it not only increases blood flow and oxygenation to the brain, but it also increases the amount of BDNF (brain-derived-neurotrophic factor, which is excellent for cognition. 


Getting enough and proper rest is vital to optimal brain health.
But did you know that  sleep is also critical for retaining information?
While we sleep, a magical system called the glymphatic system clears out the toxins in your brain - including the amyloid-beta that is associated with Alzheimer's.
Sleep is also really beneficial for your metabolism and immune system.

Brain Stimulation

If Alzheimer's is a systematic downsizing of the brain, we can look at brain stimulation as the opposite: the systematic upsizing of our brain.
According to Apollo Health ( "Our brains continue to develop new neurons throughout our lives in response to social and mental stimuli to aid in healing from trauma or injury."  How cool is that?
Knowing this, it makes sense the importance of staying socially active. But did you know that even dancing, singing, and listening to music can promote the building of neurons? 


Stress is one of those silent killers, especially when it's stress that's been going on a long time or is severe - like after a trauma.
It's important to recognize the impact that stress can have so that we can be aware of it. That's the first step. The second involves stress management techniques such as including time for self-care (everyone needs to have a self-care plan, by the way - I learned the hard way), slooowing down, taking time away from technology, exercising, and staying focused on one task at a time (multi-tasking is not a thing!)


The avoidance of what Dr. Dale Bredesen calls “dementogens" is important to your brain health. They can be found in things like the air you breathe, the water you drink, the home you live in, the food you eat, and the toiletries, cosmetics, and cleaning supplies that you use.  So we want to keep these things as clean as possible. Mold is turning out to be a common dementogen and it can wreak havoc on your entire body, not just your brain. Another thing to consider is maintaining excellent oral hygiene because we do not want pathogens traveling from the mouth to the brain to the brain!


Supplements can be beneficial but be careful about how you think about them. As advised by Apollo Health: if you’re suffering from a specific nutritional deficiency that affects your cognitive health, they can be a very important contributor to healing. The key to this is finding out exactly where you need the supplemental support as opposed to taking a supplement without knowing if you need it.
The key difference in the Bredesen Protocol to other cognitive improvement programs is that baseline blood labs are taken before any supplements are recommended or treatment plans are given.