Implementing the Bredesen Protocol in Portland, Oregon

ReCODE 2.0 Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach

Implementing the Bredesen Protocol in Portland, Oregon

ReCODE 2.0 Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach

She was larger than life.

She took on Alzheimer's and won.

She inspired me to make a short film about her.

Meet my mom Livia

Navigating Alzheimer's Doesn't have to be scary

implement the Bredesen Protocol with ease and joy.

What would it feel like to turn things around?

I felt overwhelmed, and under intense pressure to get the Bredesen Protocol right. My mother’s life depended upon it. I felt like I knew what I needed to do but was paralyzed with fear. What did I do? I hired a health coach.
- Chris McClay, owner of Saving Livia

I was once in your shoes. 

I had some difficult decisions to make about my mom's treatment.
I didn’t know who to turn to.
I felt intimidated and afraid.
But I had to move forward because she was slipping.

TIME was my enemy.

I recruited a chiropractor with advanced training from the Institute for Functional Medicine in reversing cognitive decline.
We met once a month and steadily worked through many parts of the protocol.
But time with our practitioner was limited and we were left feeling less supported than we would have liked.

I started to feel burned out and resentful.

I knew I needed help.

I hired a health coach in March of 2020 and never looked back.
We met virtually every week for 12 sessions.
I had someone to confide in during the rough patches.
I felt like I didn't have to have all the answers. 
And, most importantly, we were making progress with confidence and having fun at the same time. The work we did with our coach mattered.

My motivation was waning and our health coach kept us moving forward.

If you’re getting stuck in achieving your goals, then ask: What or who is missing from your process? 

February 28, 2023

“Team Livia” not only stopped the horrible Alzheimer’s train but managed to reverse many of her symptoms. She went from a MOCA score of 19 to 22 over a period of 16 months and I was able to move out. Miraculously, Livia had regained her independence!

We continued to optimize her ReCODE 2.0 program and aspired to a normal MOCA score of 26-27 by the end of 2021.

With my caregiver duties being less, I was able to fully embrace the role of daughter again and it felt magical. April 2020 was one of the happiest months of my life, as Mom and I shacked up for the month in a farmhouse in Ithaca, New York and lived what felt like a dream. We were back to being mother and daughter again and we couldn’t be happier.

With things going so well, I invited my mom to spend the month of June with me in Mexico. From the moment we stepped foot on the plane, the bond we shared was palpable and I felt a personal sense of accomplishment at how far we'd come. And then tragedy hit and things would never be the same.

Just one week after arrival, my mom succumbed to a string of massive complications from heart disease and arrhythmia, and after 5 days in a coma, Livia passed away on June 8, 2021. She sure as hell fought, but her body couldn't take the stress from the assaults received in the hospital. It was a sudden end to our fairy tale story and of course, the journey to heal my broken heart is ongoing.

I made a decision to celebrate my mother and the work we did by carrying on. Today I channel my inner Livia into the work I do with my clients. More than anything, Mom and I loved to laugh. So, let's get to work, have a little fun, and embrace this opportunity we've both been given. Livia will most certainly be cheering us on.

  • You doubt your ability to interpret lab results
  • You question whether you have the time the pull this off
  • You feel frustrated at the sheer volume of information there is to get through
  • You wonder if you can make a real difference
  • You feel helpless watching your loved one change from who they were
  • You may wonder whether you’re better off going the traditional course of treatment
  • You fear that you’re not making progress at the rate you were expecting

Does this sound like you?

If you could rewrite your story, what would you write?


Not sure where to start?

Alzheimer's Prevention


Alzheimer's Reversal

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